Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sandy Thermopolous, age 28, 10:00 a.m., September 11, 2001

I just woke up to a note on Jorma’s side of the bed which reads, “I love you more than anything in the world and I don’t want you to ever forget that.” After reading the note I was a little confused because he had never left a note before. I got myself breakfast and turned on the tv to see Jorma running into the burning North Tower. I knew what he had signed up for as a firefighter but I never thought I would have to see him running into a burning skyscraper. I was furious with whoever ran that plane into the building. They had put my husband in danger and I was not happy. I didn’t even think about the people he was saving at the time, I was being selfish. I saw a video on tv of people celebrating the attacks and dancing in the streets at our loss. I didn’t really know what to think, but the anger continued to build up inside of me. I knew that there was nothing I could have done but I felt like I needed to help in some way. At the end of the day, I experienced the greatest relief when I was Jorma walk through the door uninjured. It was a miracle and I will never forget it.

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