Saturday, May 7, 2011

Megan Roe, age 16, 1:00p.m., September 11, 2001

We got released early today from school because of the tragic event that has occurred in our country. I can remember the moment clearly as if it just happened. I was taking my AP Chemistry Exam when all of a sudden the windows broke in our classroom. Some kid fainted because he was scared out of his mind, others screamed in terror. The principal came on the P.A. and told us to evacuate the school immediately and go to the safe zone assigned by the handbook in case of emergencies. That moment was when the whole school saw it. The towers were hit and we all stood there still as a rock in silence because the image was too overwhelming. My parents called me when the towers hit because they were at work when they heard the towers were hit by a plane planned by terrorists. I told them that I was fine, but deep inside I do not think I can delete the horrendous image of the scene upon my classmates and I. I am so happy to be alive but I feel horrible for the families who will never see their parents, grandparents, sons, daughters, or siblings ever again. I am frustrated by this attack on U.S. soil and I think they must pay for the innocent lives they killed.,r:9,s:0

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